Saturday, June 7, 2008

Devious Mr. Limbaugh

Every day millions (20, at last count) listen to the three hour rant sessions. These sessions do have powerful sponsors. The monologs sound impressive. Mr. Rush Limbaugh asserts for a good number of times that he has 'talent on loan from God'. Most unfortunate God.

Why is he afraid of Barack Obama ?

We may not know the answer. But, he does know that Obama is an unstoppable force. Mr. Limbaugh and his ilk cashed in on the Clinton juggernaut from 1991 - 1999. And, now were salivating at the fact that another Clinton wagon was inevitable. Now that they are proven wrong by this neophyte, coming from nowhere (well, Land of Lincoln, actually) toppled the Clinton wagon and made his mark.

Iowa, North Carolina, Indiana, Kansas, Oregon and Montana all provided a message that could hardly be understood by Mr. Limbaugh and the Limbaugh wannabes.

And thus born Operation Chaos. An exercise that involved his mind-numbed robots listening to mind numbing logic 3 hours a day, and vote for Clinton. Any utterance by Clinton or Obama or DNC officials was claimed as the handiwork of Operation Chaos. It is not really new for opposing parties to use such dirty tactics. In Russia, Putin wins by 90 % of the vote. In India, entire polling booths are captured, polling officials are asked to eat lunch, and goons just cast the ballots. It is a shame that Mr. Limbaugh chose to trod such dangerous path.

Mr. Limbaugh is highly talented and possesses fair share of intelligence as well. Lack of rationality is replaced by panache for deviousness. He twists any data point, argument, news headline to his way of thinking. His global warming stack of stuff is another fraud. He is a proud college dropout, and certainly lacks the wherewithal to understand the nuances of climate change and global warming. As he says, nuances are out, and only google-searched-headlines are in. He perceives a threat to his corporate sponsors (GM for example), and rants in their defense against 'environmentalist wackos'.

This seems more like survival instinct than any real scientific argument. Oh well, we are all mind numbed robots. Lets see how long these deviousness lasts...